DO Queen Caroline Reaper 250 ml.
DO Queen Caroline Reaper 250 ml.
DO Queen Caroline Reaper 250 ml.
DO Queen Caroline Reaper 250 ml.
DO Queen Caroline Reaper 250 ml.


DO Queen Caroline Reaper 250 ml.

DO Queen Carolina Reaper, made from 2 ingredients: Extra Virgin Olive Oil (85%) and fresh Carolina Reaper Chilli, is possibly the spiciest olive oil in the world.

Our secret: we always use fresh Carolina Reaper chilli, which gives it unique organoleptic qualities. Aromas and flavours of fresh vegetables and red and green peppers can be clearly appreciated, in addition to those provided by the Extra Virgin Olive Oil of the Hojiblanca variety, which, thanks to our low constant temperature infusion process, its aromas and the healthy properties of EVOO remain unaltered.

With an average of 1.5 and 2 million Scoville Heat Units (SHU), and recognised by the Guinness Book of Records as the hottest chilli in the world, compared to the Habanero chilli, which can have up to 350,000 SHU.

🍲Add a daring kick to pizzas and pastas, or use it to make barbecue sauces such as chimichurri. If you're a real hot pepper lover, try it on all your favourite dishes.

DO Queen Carolina Reaper, made from 2 ingredients: Extra Virgin Olive Oil (85%) and fresh Carolina Reaper Chilli, is possibly the spiciest olive oil in the world.


Our secret: we always use fresh Carolina Reaper chilli, which gives it unique organoleptic qualities. Aromas and flavours of fresh vegetables and red and green peppers can be clearly appreciated, in addition to those provided by the Extra Virgin Olive Oil of the Hojiblanca variety, which, thanks to our low constant temperature infusion process, its aromas and the healthy properties of EVOO remain unaltered.


With an average of 1.5 and 2 million Scoville Heat Units (SHU), and recognised by the Guinness Book of Records as the hottest chilli in the world, compared to the Habanero chilli, which can have up to 350,000 SHU.


🍲Add a daring kick to pizzas and pastas, or use it to make barbecue sauces such as chimichurri. If you're a real hot pepper lover, try it on all your favourite dishes.

Status: NEW 
4.00% VAT included

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Olive oil
Fresh Caroline Reaper Chili Pepper