Yo Verde 500 ml


Yo Verde 500 ml

"Yo, verde" is a gourmet extra virgin olive oil of the Picual variety harvested in the early harvest in the month of October when the fruit presents an initial state of ripeness that increases the intensity and freshness of the juice, as well as a high content of natural antioxidants, provitamins, polyphenols and with accentuated nutritional contributions. The sensory profile of this early oil is marked by the bright green of its color and an intense fruitiness, perfect for captivating the to lovers of quality and excellence.

"Yo, verde" is a gourmet extra virgin olive oil of the Picual variety harvested in the early harvest in the month of October when the fruit presents an initial state of ripeness that increases the intensity and freshness of the juice, as well as a high content of natural antioxidants, provitamins, polyphenols and with accentuated nutritional contributions. The sensory profile of this early oil is marked by the bright green of its color and an intense fruitiness, perfect for captivating the to lovers of quality and excellence.

Status: NEW 
4.00% VAT included

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